
Award Ceremony and Announcements

Today was the Award Ceremony and congratulations all the student who got at least one certificate! 
Here are the names of all people that got certificates:
Spencer, Elya, Nino, Abby, Ketevan, Luka, Philip, Ruslan, Joseph, Luisa, Andrew, Anna, Nodar, Sam, Katy, Samuel, Gabriel, Katya, Sasha, Guy, Charlotte, Fallon, Nia, Taisia, Nana, Annemarie, Lisa, Matti, Ruslka, Eka, Avery, Irakli, Alex, Liam, Dominika, Mariam, Adam, Mia, Mariam, Sara, Nicole, Natali, Xin Yao, Arya, Sophia, Eva, Sandra, Ibrahim, Levan, Annika, Camelia, Mark, and the last one Nick!

So, If you've found your name in this "short" list of all names then good job! Your hard work has been noticed and you got to be called out so that everyone else could see that you are hardworking student and appreciated. 

But not only the awards were distributed during this Assembly. Finally all the kids got their yearbooks! All the wonderful work that was put into these pages is at last present in physical world. The Yearbook is titled "The Leap" because yearbook team wanted to  emphasise how our school has grown from its start until the present day.

No more plastic water bottles in our school. That's how the announcement began and got everyones attention. So, next year cafeteria is not going to sell water bottles any more. Our school is getting bigger and the garbage that we leave after the end of each day is getting larger. And to be more eco friendly we decided to  stop selling plastic water bottles and instead encourage students to buy reusable water bottles which will be unique and less damaging for nature. 

The play about the vital importance of being Earnest will be help in gym at 6:30. Do not bring any popcorn as cucumber sandwiches will be served during breaks between acts. Please, come. British Literature students worked very hard on the performance and memorised lines specially for your enjoyment. Plus, they have to pass this last unit to graduate. :)

The last announcement was about the Camping Trip that will be help during last week of school. The location and more specific detail of the trip are still being discussed. The main idea is that students will relax and enjoy each others compony 24 hours straight. Nature, bugs, more nature, more bugs.... Everything that one could wish for.

By Anastasia Demianenko

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