
Double Trouble

Hello, dear readers, and today we will talk about our famous twins: Crowley and Bryan!

I have asked many of you, how would it be to have a twin and most of your answers were different versions of stereotypes of having a twin. I decided to ask actual twins if this is how twin life really works. The despised glares and hysterical laughs I received were somewhat too amusing not to share. So shall we begin? 

1. You like and dislike same things.
"We like completely different things", said Ruslan. Well, for other twins this statement is not totally true and not totally wrong. Twins enjoy some things together and some things on their own. Just because they look alike does not mean they are the same person. Confirmed by Crowleys and Bryans.

2. The elder twin is The Leader and the younger twin is The Follower.
"I would say 'yes'", said Philip and shared this fascinating story of how his twin, Ruslan, always demanded for his earphones in the mornings, so one day Philip, without his brother asking him, took out his earphones and placed them on the table where Ruslan could take them. "That's how much he influenced me", said Philip. To which Ruslan said "No comment". Aren't twins adorable?

3. Your twin is your best buddy.
"Somewhere in between", - both pairs of twins. Ruslan said that his twin is just like any other brother he has, the only difference is that they share a birthday. And likely for them, this results in twice as much presents. "Sometimes Guy bursts into my room and just sits there" commented Taisia. If you have other siblings then having a twin wouldn't be a big change, but if you are the only child in the family in that case prepare to your usual life routine to flip upside down and bounce a couple of times.

4. You have a supernatural connection with your twin. So, like if your twin is far away you can sense when they are sad or if something bad has happened to them.
Crowley hissed together: liesssss. They are just as human as every other human. "I am 100% certain that I am 0% sure of what Taisia if feeling right now" said Guy during our interview. But Guy also added that he and Taisia had many moments when he would start singing and Taisia would exclaim that she was just thinking of that song. So is it a lie? A truth? We will never know.

5. Your twin will be there for you in hard times.
No matter how much they hate each other and no matter how many times they pranked, played mean jokes, or did some nasty things to each other, your twin will always listen to you and give an advice, maybe wacky advice, but it's at least something.

So, we can all agree that having a twin would be awesome. You can ask them to help with math, go to the cinema together, trade birthday presents, if you do not like yours. Many things are possible when you have a twin. Bad things are not an exception. They can take your clothes, toys, and even food. But in the end when it comes down to serious business, you can always depend on them, because they are stuck with you forever and they better solve your problem than listen to your constant whining.

By Anastasia Demianenko

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